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Installation of Calibration Toolset

For users who have purchased pixkit, this step has been completed for you. Please proceed to camera intrinsic calibration


  • ROS2 data collection package
  • ROS2 calibration package
  • Calibration executable files


  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Linux kernel == 5.19.0-40-generic
  • ROS2: Humble
  • Autoware


Step 1: Clone the code repository

git clone -b feature/deploy-calibration-tools
mkdir sensors_calibration_tool
vcs import sensors_calibration_tool < sensors_calibration_tool.repos --recursive

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Install dependencies [apt]

# Camera intrinsic calibration tool
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-calibration-parsers
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-info-manager
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-launch-testing-ament-cmake

# IMU intrinsic calibration
sudo apt-get install libdw-dev 

Install dependencies [source]

Step 3: Build

Calibration Name Calibration Program Program Address
lidar2camera Executable program for lidar-to-camera calibration /sensors_calibration_tool/SensorsCalibration/lidar2camera/manual_calib/
lidar2imu Executable program for lidar-to-IMU calibration sensors_calibration_tool/SensorsCalibration/lidar2imu/manual_calib/
calibration_ws Executable programs for camera intrinsic and lidar-to-lidar calibration sensors_calibration_tool/calibration_ws/

build script commands

./ [function_name]
# parameters as follows
# help: Help document
# calibration_ws
#    - Calibration data acquisition package
#    - IMU intrinsic calibration package
#    - Camera intrinsic calibration package
#    - Lidar-to-lidar calibration package
# lidar2camera
# lidar2imu

build lidar2camera tool

./ lidar2camera

build lidar2imu tool

./ lidar2imu

build calibration_ws

./ calibration_ws

The building of calibration_ws has successfully built, if you can see the message in the terminal below. 21 packages have been completed

Step 4: verify calibrating tools

Verify whether the executable programs for lidar-to-camera and lidar-to-IMU calibration have been compiled successfully by executing the following command:

# Execute the command and the output should be similar to the following image
cd ./sensors_calibration_tool/SensorsCalibration/lidar2camera/manual_calib/
./bin/run_lidar2camera data/0.png data/0.pcd data/center_camera-intrinsic.json data/top_center_lidar-to-center_camera-extrinsic.json
cd -


Now that you have completed the calibration tool installation, you can proceed to

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Error occurs when executing step-2: docker deployment - build docker image

  • Analysis: Some files were not downloaded successfully due to network issues
  • Solution: Repeat step-2: docker deployment - build docker image again