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LiDAR Camera calibration


The calibration of LiDAR to camera is used to register the 3D point cloud data of the LiDAR with the 2D image data of the camera, so as to achieve three-dimensional perception of objects. Through the calibration of LiDAR and camera, their relative position and posture, as well as the transformation matrix between them, can be determined, so that the three-dimensional point cloud data collected by LiDAR can be mapped to the camera image, and the image information collected by the camera can be converted into three-dimensional coordinate information. This is very important for applications such as autonomous driving and robot vision, which can achieve accurate perception and understanding of the environment.

Objectives of this chapter

  • Understand extrinsic calibration
  • Master the calibration skills of LiDAR to camera
  • Calibrate qualified extrinsic parameters

Calibration of the vehicle

  • hook
    • Top LiDAR [RS-Helios-16P]
    • Front camera [SG2-OX03CC-5200-GMSL2F-H120]


  • Completed camera intrinsic calibration
  • Find a suitable calibration scene
    • There is a sedan in the camera image
    • There is a utility pole in the camera image
    • There is a wall with windows in the camera image

Start calibration

Completed camera intrinsic calibration -> step-3 Signs of success

step-1: Collect calibration data


Check if the collected data is successfully collected

ll ros2bag/pcd_png_data

step-2: Start the Calibration Program

File structure

Script Description Remarks Calibration program startup script None
lidar2camera.yaml Calibration program configuration file Input parameters for the calibration program Generate sensors_calibration.yaml file Generate parameters file for Autoware
input Raw data for calibration Raw data required by the calibration program
input/output_camera-intrinsic.json Camera intrinsic file Output file from camera intrinsic calibration
input/top_center_lidar-to-center_camera-extrinsic.json Initial extrinsic file Default is sufficient
output/sensors_calibration.yaml Extrinsic parameter file Parameters file for Autoware
output/example.jpg Example output of calibration
output/example.txt Example output of calibration


Parameter Name Parameter Function Source
pcd_path Path of input image required by the calibration program ros2bag/pcd_png_data/latest.pcd
png_path Path of input point cloud required by the calibration program ros2bag/pcd_png_data/latest.png
camera_intrinsic_filename Input camera intrinsic file required by the calibration program calibration_script/camera_intrinsic/output/output_camera-intrinsic.json
lidar2camera_extrinsic_filename Input lidar-to-camera extrinsic file required by the calibration program Default is sufficient

Copy calibration raw data to input folder

Copy File
ros2bag/pcd_png_data/latest.pcd > calibration_script/lidar2camera/input/latest.pcd
ros2bag/pcd_png_data/latest.png > calibration_script/lidar2camera/input/latest.png
calibration_script/camera_intrinsic/output/output_camera-intrinsic.json > calibration_script/lidar2camera/input/output_camera-intrinsic.json

Start calibration


step-3: Parameter Configuration

In the figure, the point clouds of the electric pole, the vehicle plate, and the window are aligned. This is a calibrated result. To achieve such a result, you need to adjust the parameters to achieve this calibration effect. Click the program button to fine-tune it.

Extrinsic Adjustment

Button Description
+x degree Roll angle adjustment
+y degree Pitch angle adjustment
+z degree Yaw angle adjustment
+x trans X-axis displacement adjustment
+y trans Y-axis displacement adjustment
+z trans Z-axis displacement adjustment

Camera Intrinsic Adjustment

Button Description
+ fy Default value for camera intrinsic
+ fx Default value for camera

Intensity Color: The intensity of LiDAR is a parameter that records the strength of the laser beam return, and it shows the intensity of the point cloud under different materials.

Overlap Filter: Eliminates the overlapping LiDAR points with a depth within 0.4m.

deg step t step fxfy scale: These three buttons can adjust the step size of each click or keyboard input - default is recommended.

point size: Adjusts the size of LiDAR points in the projected image.

Reset: Click this button to reset all manual adjustments and restore the initial parameters.

Save Image: Click this button after the calibration is finished to save the calibrated image, external and internal parameter matrices in the default directory.

Step-4: Validate the calibration results

  • Fill in the calibration results in the parameter configuration file
    • File 1: ~/pix/pit-kit/Autoware/install/individual_params/share/individual_params/config/default/pixkit_sensor_kit/sensors_calibration.yaml
    • File 2: ~/pix/pit-kit/Autoware/install/pixkit_sensor_kit_description/share/pixkit_sensor_kit_description/config/sensors_calibration.yaml
    • Calibration Results: calibration_script/lidar2camera/config/sensors_calibration.yaml

Step 1: Backup File 1 and File 2.

Step 2: Fill in the Calibration Results in both File 1 and File 2.

  • Start the simulation to view the results


Now that you have completed LiDAR Camera calibration, you can move on to IMU calibration