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IPC Installation

Hardware Installation

Device Wiring

Hardware Parameter Check

  • After completing the wiring, click the power button and wait a few seconds to access the login interface. avatar
  • Press Ctrl+Alt+t to start the terminal: username: pixkit, password: pixmoving.
  • Check the static IP of the host: If it is not correct, modify the static IP address; otherwise, there may be abnormal sensor data transmission. avatar
  • Set the static IP of the host: Open network settings, select the configuration port, click on IPV4, and modify the IP, gateway, subnet mask, and DNS according to the image. After completion, click on the top-right corner to apply. avatar

Start the terminal with Ctrl+Alt+t and use the command "ifconfig" to check if the modification was successful. avatar

Correspondence between network ports and positions. Note:This image is for reference only. If the industrial computer does not match the image, please ignore this image.

  • Check the CAN data of the chassis.
candump can0

The terminal should output the data correctly. avatar

  • Check the LiDAR: RS-Helios-16P;

The terminal should output the data correctly. avatar

  • Check the inertial navigation system: CGI-410;

The terminal should output the data correctly. avatar

  • If a router and IoT card are available, check if the internet connection is working properly.

The terminal should output the data correctly. avatar Note 1:To access the internet, the host IP needs to be set according to the router's IP address.

Note 2:If the sensor parameters cannot be output correctly, please refer to the corresponding hardware installation document and check the cable connections according to the operating instructions.